TQ-4Combi Plus - Combined hardness tester with probes and adapters for non-destructive testing
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TQ-4Combi Plus - Combined hardness tester

Combined hardness testers

High-precision hand-held instrument equipped with brand-new software, designed for non-destructive testing of production quality. Targeted for use across a variety of industries including metallurgy, mechanical engineering, aircraft construction, shipbuilding, atomic industry, and oil and gas.

TQ-4Combi Plus combines the advantages of both UCI and Leeb methods for precise control of metals and alloys hardness.


  • Carbon and structural steels, along with other fine-grained materials.
  • Hard-surfaced items treated with cementation, nitride hardening, or high-frequency current hardening.
  • Heat-resistant, corrosion-resistant, and stainless steels.
  • Non-ferrous metals and alloys such as cast iron, aluminum, bronze, and brass.
  • Electroplated coatings like chrome, copper, nickel, zinc, and tin, as well as overlaying.
  • Items of complex configuration including gear teeth, shafts, pipes of any diameter, grooves, and blind holes.
  • Thin-walled and small-sized items.
  • Large items and heavy-duty equipment like gas pipelines, rails, and construction elements.

Operational advantages

TQ-4Combi Plus – Combined hardness tester with testing block
  • Wide compatibility with various metals and alloys.
  • Stable measurements unaffected by force or time of probe pressing.
  • Low sensitivity to surface curvature and roughness.
  • Ability to measure hardness in hard-to-reach areas with consistent accuracy.
  • Wide range of compatible accessories for enhanced usability.


  • Impact-, dust-, and water-proof housing for durability in challenging environments.
  • Bright color display for readability in below-zero temperatures.
  • Signalization alerts for exceeding prescribed measurement thresholds.
  • Unique statistical data processing system for accurate analysis.
  • Quick calibration of device scales using one or two standard test blocks.
  • Flexible device memory for efficient readings recording and analysis.
  • Programming capabilities for additional calibrations with one or two standard test blocks.
  • Fast setup of additional scales with two to ten standard test blocks.

Probes characteristics

Photo Probe Type/Load Weight/thickness/
surface roughness
of the article
under check


UCI method
«А» (HV5)
1kg/3mm/Ra 1,6 145/26mm Solving of main hardness testing tasks
«H» (HV1)
1kg/2mm/Ra 0,8 145/26mm Hardness testing of electroplated coating (chrome, copper, nickel, zinc, tin), thinwalled and small-sized items
«С» (HV10)
1kg/4mm/Ra 3,2 145/26mm Hardness testing of items with unprepared surface, large items and heavy-duty equipment
«К» (HV5)
1kg/3mm/Ra 1,6 76/33mm Hardness testing of inner surface of tubes, tanks and other hard-to-reach areas
«AL» (HV5)
1kg/3mm/Ra 1,6 190/26mm Hardness testing in hard-to-reach areas as pinholes, grooves, in-between gear teeth zones (length of tip 65mm)
Leeb method
«D» 3kg/6mm/Ra 3,2 138/21mm Solving of main hardness testing tasks with surface roughness less than 3.2Ra
«E» 3kg/6mm/Ra 3,2 138/21mm Probe with polycrystalline indenter made of cubic boron nitride to test materials with high hardness
«G» 8kg/55mm/Ra 7,6 200/29mm Hardness testing of high structure inhomogeneity items with surface roughness more than 7.2Ra
Probes variations for UCI and Leeb hardness testers


TQ-4Combi Plus hardness tester in action with UCI probe and adapter


Preparation UCI method Leeb method
Need no additional preparation
Weight 1kg or more
Thickness 2mm or more
Weight 5kg or more
Thickness 6mm or more
Need to be fixed on the base plate
Weight less than 1kg
Thickness less than 2mm
Weight less than 5kg
Thickness less than 6mm
Roughness requirements 0.8 – 3.2Ra (depending on probe) 3.2 – 7.2Ra (depending on probe)


Measurement mode Readings Using
By basic scales Basic hardness units (HRC, HB, HV) Hardness testing of the bulk of products
By additional calibrations to basic scales By HRA, HRB, HSD scales and ultimate tensile strength Hardness testing of high-alloy steels, special cast iron and nonferrous metals
By additional scales Scales are programmed by the user Special problems solving

The statistical parameters used for processing measurements

  • Maximum, minimum, and mean values, along with standard deviation.
  • Average deviation from user-set values and maximum deviation.
  • Number of results outside user-specified limits and maximum deviation from the upper/lower border.
  • Automatic filtering of erroneous measurements.
  • Comparison of measurement results in series using on-screen comparison charts.

Technical specifications

Characteristic Values
Relative average error at regular calibration  3-5%
Hardness testing ranges:
Rockwell C 20-70 HRC
Brinell 90-450 HB
Vickers 240-940 HV
Quantity of possible additional scales calibrations 5 for each scale
Quantity of additional scales 3
Duration of the measurement 2 seconds
Quantity of measurements for average reading calculation 1-99
Memory capacity 12 400 readings
Maximum quantity of named blocks of readings generated in memory 100
PC connection USB
Power supply Li-ion accumulation battery
Dimensions of hardness tester electronic unit 121x69x41mm
Weight of electronic unit 0.3kg
Weight of A-probe 0.3kg
Weight of D-probe 0.15kg
Operating temperature range -15…+35 °C
Warranty 1 year
TQ-4C hardness tester with variations of probes

Delivery set

Delivery set of TQ-4Combi Plus hardness tester
Elements Hardness tester
Hardness tester
TQ-4Combi plus
Electronic unit with accumulation battery + +
A-type probe + +
D-type probe + +
Connecting cable for A-type probe 1 pcs 2 pcs 

Adapter “U4”


Adapter “Z3”

Standard test block HRC   +
Standard test block  HB   +
Standard test block  HV   +
Charger + +
Operating manual + +
PC cable + +
Soft case + +
Cuff to fix device on arm  + +
Bag for carrying and storing + +


  • Replaceable probes of different construction and load.
  • Special heads to simplify probe positioning on complex surfaces.
  • Connection cables for seamless integration.
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